Lots of people want to know if the Bible has anything to say about an election. Some say that it does. I agree. So, here are some verses I would like you to keep in mind tomorrow as you go to the voting booth: “No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,…
Author: Jonathan Tullos
The Worst Election in Memory
This cycle of election for federal offices, especially President, has proven to be nothing short of a disappointment. Not only do I believe that both parties have nominated what are in my opinion less than ideal candidates but the discourse among the candidates, the electorate and the media has been nothing short of embarrassing. The…
Addict Shaming is not OK
Today there has been a picture circulating on Facebook, through major media outlets, and elsewhere. You may be wanting to say, “Yeah, yeah, as we call it around here: ‘Friday.’” This picture is something complete different and one that I refuse to share because I think it’s disgusting. This picture is of a man and…
Sermon: Half Truths – “God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It”
This is the fourth in a five week series based on Adam Hamilton’s book Half Truths. I particularly enjoyed researching this saying. I hope you will enjoy this sermon. As always, please feel free to share any feedback you may have! – Jonathan Half Truths: God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It A Sermon…
Paramedics are taught not to risk their lives after mass shootings. Rightly so.
I became a paramedic to provide medical care out of a hospital setting to the sick and injured. I, for the most part, enjoyed my career and I was able to even save a few lives along the way. One of the things I discovered early on in my career was that a large part…
Sermon – Half Truths: God Won’t Give You More than You Can Handle
Continuing the series based on Adam Hamilton’s Half Truths, today I talked about the popular platitude that suggests that God will shield us from more life drama than we can handle. Anyone who has ever had a nervous breakdown knows that this isn’t true. While I didn’t outright address it in the course of the sermon,…
Sermon – Half Truths: “God Helps Those who Help Themselves”
Here is part two in the Half Truths series. Yesterday we looked at this popular saying, which many people are convinced is in the Bible. Spoiler alert: It isn’t! But, this does not mean that it doesn’t have an element of truth. As you will see, we are called to take some responsibility for our…
Sermon: Half Truths – “Everything Happens for a Reason”
I have been intending to post this sermon for most of the week but life kept getting in the way. This is the first in a five week series of sermons inspired by Half Truths by Rev. Adam Hamilton. During this series at Shiloh, we are taking a look at a “Christian cliche” which sounds biblical…
A Retrospective of my 34th Year
In years past I have written this post either at or just before midnight of my birthday but this year I didn’t quite make it. I was sacked out way early so I’m actually writing this on my birthday. Another year in my life has passed by and here I am at 35. I can…
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
I won’t recount the tragedy in Baton Rouge in detail because you already know about it. It may seem strange but even British media report on these events and I found out about the officers in Baton Rouge being killed while in line for the loo at a pub in Bath. I have to be…