This cycle of election for federal offices, especially President, has proven to be nothing short of a disappointment. Not only do I believe that both parties have nominated what are in my opinion less than ideal candidates but the discourse among the candidates, the electorate and the media has been nothing short of embarrassing. The…
Month: September 2016
Addict Shaming is not OK
Today there has been a picture circulating on Facebook, through major media outlets, and elsewhere. You may be wanting to say, “Yeah, yeah, as we call it around here: ‘Friday.’” This picture is something complete different and one that I refuse to share because I think it’s disgusting. This picture is of a man and…
Sermon: Half Truths – “God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It”
This is the fourth in a five week series based on Adam Hamilton’s book Half Truths. I particularly enjoyed researching this saying. I hope you will enjoy this sermon. As always, please feel free to share any feedback you may have! – Jonathan Half Truths: God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It A Sermon…